Let's get this party started...

Okay everyone - Ken helped me set this up, so if you don't like it you can blame him (hee hee hee) And since it will help to have a name to a face, I'll post a pic of him as well - for those of you who haven't seen his handsome mug...
The boys and I are doing very well, getting ready for back to school. I have one more week of teaching at Syracuse, a few weeks to regroup and then it is back in the classroom with me. Devin got the chance to 'hang' with his new teacher, Mrs. Bingle, last night while camping with Aunt Sonya and Uncle Bruce. He thought I was kidding about that at first, then he wasn't sure it would be a good idea, but it seems to have worked at pretty well. Zach is getting a new first grade teacher (we think its Mr. Steria, but we're not sure) and he will tell anyone who sits still for 5 minutes (and proudly at that) that he got a hole drilled in his tooth. He got a hole drilled because he had a cavity that found its way to the root and abscessed (nasty little thing...) and I haven't been able to convince him this is a BAD thing - we don't WANT cavities and holes in our teeth - but he is six and it seems very cool indeed...
The training continues for the 5K I'm running next weekend - Tonya thinks she can beat me - I may be old, but I think I can take her... Ken is the fast one on the bike, so he has to make up for my time anyway, and a colleague is kayaking the last leg - I'll post pics as soon as I get them. I love you all, hope to hear from you soon, enough said!
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