Saturday, August 05, 2006

Saturday the 5th

Spoke to Clay at 10:00 AM
4th of 8 chemo session completed this morning 5 AM. Nausea has set in. 6 units of blood yesterday, none today. White platet count still really low. Maybe able to go home after the 8th as Doctors feel home is cleaner than Hospital. Wonder if he knows Carol is there? Clay sounds tired, he is still staying at the hospital, stays much longer they are going to start charging him for a bed. If anyone has specific questions, put them here and I will do my best to get answers.


At 11:13 AM, Blogger Tyna said...

Thanks Dad - I can't believe you posted before me... must be this dial up service I've got...

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Tyna said...

Tell Deanna she can have some of mine, I've got lots to spare - but she'd have to go blonde :)

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Meeks said...

Tyna: who said your a blond?

Dad: They have brought me a tray from the cafeteria each time they bring Deana a meal. Apparently I am well known in the hospital. I wonder if they are billing me for that? :)

Deana has had a rough day. She has a really low red blood cell count. The nurses, with a little birdies help, put a kabash on the visitors for a while. Deana slept most of the afternoon away. Another Kemo session down. Tomorrow she gets two more, but both are different ones than the last six sessions. The new kemo is suppose to have different side effects. Deana is feeling a little better after her nap. She has an appetite and the nausea is gone for now. She is being so strong and I am very proud of her. Hopefully we will be able to go home soon. Thanks to all for the support, we will need all the help to get through this.

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Meeks said...

Actually I didn't have anything to do with the visitor kabash the nurse could sense Deana was tired. I wanted to clarify that for future accusations from the wife! :)

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Meeks said...

I have a laptop at the hospital, they have free wireless internet here so I am always hooked up. One of my buddies hooked me up with his wireless card. I have no idea how to spell Kemotherapy. I will pass on your regards to Deana. She is grumpy, the nurses will not leave her alone long enough to sleep.

At 4:29 AM, Blogger Meeks said...

Deana's sister took a picture of her in the hospital, Dad if I send it to you can you post it? Plus if someone could give me all of Sonya, Tyna, Tonya, and Chad's contact numbers that would be greatly appreciated. I just need Sonya's cell phone number I have her home number. I just need Chads home number I have his cell phone number. For Tyna and Tonya I need all of it.

Dad: I will call you with an update in a couple of hours. A very long night. I figured out what happens when your platlets are low and you bleed?

For All: Cherish your loved ones, don't sweat the small stuff, because ultimately life is too short!

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Tyna said...

Hey Dad,

I emailed the numbers to Clay too, assuming I have the correct email address. Ken didn't think it was a good idea to post them to the blog either...

And just for the record - my drivers license says I'm blonde, but I prefer RED HEAD

Oh, the comments are great, but I'm not sure if you guys can post to the actual blog okay - is that working???


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