Friday, December 08, 2006

The light at the end of the tunnel.....

Oh sh*t a! Just joking. Deana is starting to slowly improve. She hasn't needed blood in over 24 hours, and her fever has stayed under a 101 for the same 24 hours. These are all good signs. Plus no more oxygen necessary. The down side is she is talking again, and she is grumpy! :) She was so much easier to deal with when she slept most of the day. Anyway Deana had another chest xray this morning so we will soon find out if the pneumonia has gotten worse or better. One would assume better being she is feeling better but I am not a doctor. I will write again when I know something more.

Where is Tyna....Where is Tyna......Here I am not.......Here I am not............ How are you today mam........No one knows thankyou........


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