Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Grandma is back in L-ville


I spoke to Grandma this afternoon, she is in the nursing home in Lowville. She sounded in really good spirits. Charlene gave her a cell to use, 315-771-1876. If you call, check and see if it is a prepaid with limited minutes, don't want to burn up all of her minutes.




At 2:30 PM, Blogger The Coleman's said...

Thanks for the update dad !!! My next couple of weeks are crazy but am touching base with sono to see if my services might me needed for a day next week. Grandma has a lot of friends so she might be tired of visitors too. Anywho - appreciate being in the loop. This blog sure has been helpful!!

Love to all.

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just spoke to mom, she is back to her old self. feels good, wants to go home.




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