Saturday, March 31, 2007

Is there a doctor in the house?

well, not yet, but it's official - SU has given me a graduate assistant position. I have some training in August, then start fall semester. I'm hoping to find a research position this summer with one of the lab groups, but nothing official on that front yet!

The boys are doing great, Ken and I are looking forward to the changes that are upcoming...

I love you all, just wanted you to know!



At 2:13 PM, Blogger The Coleman's said...

Congratulations Tyna dear.

I am happy that everything is falling into place for you. Its very exciting. I wish every one luck come fall - falling into their new schedules. You Ken and the boys.!!

Just don't let that title go to your head - I still plan on calling my regular doctor with my questions :) hehehe.



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