Sunday, August 27, 2006

Allergic Reaction

To all: Deana is doing as well as to be expected. She was doing good for the first three days of chemotherapy. I think she got her hopes up that this go around was going to be simple. Side effects take 24 to 48 hours to show up. They are here now. Deana is tired, has a rash that acts alot like a sunburn, her face and eyes lids are slightly swollen, and her eyes itch on the inside. Deana could handle this on a normal day but I believe because her hopes were so high initially she has taken these new symptoms fairly hard. I apologize for not blogging sooner. This chem session has been long and fairly intense. I will try and keep you guys more update than I have been. Initially they were going to try and let Deana out tomorrow but now I am not so sure. I will let you know.


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