Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Happy Birthday !!

Happy Birthday Daddy :)

60 good years and counting right? heheheh.

Hope you have a fabulous day daddy.

Race results. Tonya ran a 24:30, while my 11 year old nephew almost ran me down with a 24:52. (craziness - kid's got youth on his side what can I say.) Tyna had a awesome time of 27:24, which I believe is a pr for here by almost 3 minutes. Hugh kudos in her direction. Sonya and Bruce kicked some serious butt as well, with a canoe time of 29 mintues for 2 miles- which is very good for a first showing (and considering Sonya is a girl - they beat lots of two boy teams). So today is wednesday and my almost 30 year old legs are still sore - seriously its pathetic. But I am not 16 anymore. (nor can I run like it.)

Well I best get back to work. Hope everyone is doing well. If you need to chat and or vent Clay you've got my numbers. Stay strong.

Love all around



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