Thursday, August 17, 2006

fundraiser / run for fun :)

Hey babe - aka clay - Can you provide me with some more information on this leukemia run? I know you are just trying to get a potential head count at this point - but I need a few more details before I commit!!!

In april of 2007? Can I walk - or do we have to run? (if I am prego - I will walk if I can). How much as a group or individual do we have to raise? Is it for deana specifically or for the foundation (or is it that the foundation is helping you out now and we are returning the favor?) Even if I cannot participate, as long as I can fly - I will definitely be there for support, but would love to walk the half if allowed. (hopefully matt too)

Well bro - no rush on the answers, I was just curious and tyna wasn't positive (nor, do I think, was she expecting my onslaught of questions).

Hope all is well on the washington front. And for my sake come april I hope I am pregnant, then I can play the I have to walk card and not admitt that I cannot keep up with my little brother. (nor am I admitting that now - once upon a time I could and I am still believing that - heheh)



At 7:52 AM, Blogger Meeks said...

Tonya: I have know idea on the specifics for this race. I am not even sure what race we all want to run. That is the reason I called Tyna so that she could do a little research and talk to all the people on the east coast and see who was interested in running. As far as the "why" I am running or want to run is simply this: I had no idea how big a disease cancer is and how many people it affects. I can not will Deana better. The only thing I can do is support her, harass the doctors to make sure she is cared for in a timely manner, and ask all the right questions. By running and raising money for Lukemia I can do something more for the cause itself. If you can't run no worries, help me fundraise! :) I will try and do some more research and answer some of your questions. Love ya.


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