Tuesday, August 08, 2006



Anyone who was wondering what was up with Clay and D. can read his comments under my post of 8/6/06 11;00.

I think you when enrolled yourself you may not have set your self up having the ability to "create" posts. Give me a holler this evening and I wll try to lead you thru it while I am logged on.


At 6:07 AM, Blogger The Coleman's said...

Good morning too. I was actually reading clay's latest when dad's popped up - kinda weird.

Clay I just want to tell you how very proud of you I am. Not that I have'nt always been proud of you little brother, but - your last blog made me cry - but made me smile too. I am so glad to see you keep your humor and insight throughout this. Don't let go of that.

Matt had one more suggestion. He says he notices that in the hospital zofran does seem to be more effective during chemo and for the following 24-48 hours, but he thinks thats her prochloroperazine is a better option until her next bout of chemo.

Hopefully your not getting overwhelmed with advice and suggestions - if so please tell me to shut the h e double hockey sticks up :)

Hope everyone has a fabulous day!!! Tyna and Sonya - matt and I are a go for every one to crash at our house saturday night as long as airmattress' and sofa's are ok. Just let us know for sure what time your arrival shall be.

love to all. T (and M and L)

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Meeks said...

Tonya: I appreciate your praise but I deflect that to my wife. She has more strength and courage then I will ever have.

All: Deana had a rough couple of days out of the hospital. She had rare side effect of the chemotherapy that messed up her the liquid in her ear, messing up her equillibruim, causing her to have motion sickness. The motion sickness is very severe, she can't walk, move, and ever other people's movement causing her to throw up. That is difficult to handle when you have a rowdy three year old. Deana is back in the hospital. She got a good nights rest and recieved a patch behind her ear in an attempt to fix the motion sickness problem. She seems to be doing better this morning. Time will tell. This is a minor setback but we are still in high spirits.

Dad: Let me know when a good time to get a hold of you to fix my posting problem.


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