Monday, August 07, 2006

Ken and I were so glad to hear from Sonya that D got to go home last night - we also joked that it was probably safer there than at the hospital...

Clay - as to the sleep thing - trying to shut down can be incredibly difficult, and I can not perceive to be in your shoes, but there are several relaxation techniques out there if you want to try them - in fact walking through them with D might help you both sleep a bit better as she battles her body and you battle your mind (kind of like self hypnosis - I do this with my Forensics class).
I couldn't keep back the tears as I read what you had written about asking why - I think you've now received every answer - but here is one more anyway... It isn't about being strong enough, good enough, pure enough, 'without sin enough', nobody did anything wrong, nobody deserved this... why not you? Sweets, as scared and angry as you are right now, on the flip side of that you need to use that fear and anger - be in the doctors faces, demand the tests and treatments, don't let them "wait it out". I talked to a family member who is friends with a very well known doctor in this area and he told me that when his father went through everything, he had his wife be his father's advocate - to do the demanding because their friend (the doctor) told him that's what you need to do. Doctors are human to, and they sometimes want to give it a few weeks to just see, get as much information as you can, help D listen to her body, if she needs a break, okay, but if she is describing symptoms to you, help her vocalize those and demand answers, get as much detailed information as you can, stay away from the general. Why not you, because you are her advocate, and if you just can't be at some point, we all will be.

She's receiving so much blood - do you need donations in her name??? Just tell me when and where... I love you all...


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