Saturday, September 02, 2006

Still in the hospital!

To all: Deana is still in the hospital but she is doing much better. They have yet to determine if she actually has an infection. All tests have come back negative. This is a good sign. The doctor believes that she is just having an adverse effect to the chemotherapy. I am thinking to myself, "big suprise you dump jet fuel down your stomach and have an adverse reaction!" Damn I should be a doctor. Anyway Deana's fever has stabilized to about a 100, and she is in better spirits. I left Deana for five hours today and when I got back she was all happy, alert, and cool as a cucumber. Should I take that personally. Actually I think she does better when I am not there for two reasons. One: Deana is stubborn and refuses to listen to me while I am in the room. Second: When I leave she wants to impress me when I get back so she does everything I asked her to do earlier that she refuses to do while I am there. That said I am going back to work on Tuesday with the intention of working the whole week. It will be good for both of us I think. Hope all is well with everyone else.


At 6:45 AM, Blogger Tyna said...

Have either of you heard of spellchecker (hee hee hee)...

Clay - all my best to Deana, and though it pains me, I agree with our father, it is good for you to be with the little ones as mush as Deana. They are probably confused as hell, and at the moment having both parents gone so much must be a bit overwhelming - not that our mom isn't there and doing a great job, but there just isn't anyone like dad, to be with and help relieve some of the anxiety of mommy being sick. Add that to the fact that your frustration levels have to be soaring right now, and work, if nothing else, can help be a pressure relief valve for that.
Okay, enough advice..

Dad - thought you'd get a kick out the fact the the new principal asked to go on a conference to DC, curriculum work of some kind, but the opportunity is intresting and I'm thinking about it - do you ever have to fly east yourself these days - it would be a kick to be out there and get to see someone I know...

Love to all!


At 7:14 AM, Blogger Meeks said...

Dad: I guess you and I have to start using spell checker. According to Tyna who spells interesting "intresting" our spelling is going south. :) My spelling is a direct result of my fingers typing so fast and that normally I am typing in the dark and can't see the keyboard. At least that is my excuse. What is yours sis?

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Sonya said...

Hey ... so glad to hear that Deana is feeling better! Clay, I would advise you NOT to walk the MD path (not exactly sure that your cancer patients want to hear their chemo being referred to as ... what was it - jet fuel) However, from the sounds of it, you are doing a fantastic job as a husband and father. You are incredibly caring and supportive ... always wanting to do what is right! I am proud of you for that. My suggestion is to stick to what you know.

Brandon will be starting school soon. Is he excited? Alyssa can't wait and Connor is keeping track of his last hours of freedom.

Love - Sonya

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Sonya said...

Tyna - Not that I want anyone to analyze my spelling abilities, but I was wondering exactly how "mush" time that you think Clay should spend ... Love ya (really)

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Tyna said...

Okay, okay - open mouth insert foot - and dammit, I checked that blog three times first - I swear!!!


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