Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back in the hospital

To all: First thankyou for all the good advice, and obvious laughter, about my sudden weight gain. More importantly Deana and I are back in the hospital. Deana had blood in her stool, and it was painful to urinate yesterday. We called the doctor and he gave Deana a antibiotic. This morning when Deana woke up, I wasn't their I was at the gym, she began vomitting. I took Deana's temperature and she had a 100 degree temperature. Deana and I went into the clinic for a scheduled appointment at 0845 hrs. They drew Deana's blood, got the results and immediately admitted her into the hospital. That is where are now. I will let you all know if anything changes.



At 3:43 PM, Blogger Meeks said...

I will paps. Sorry I haven't been calling as much as I used too. I miss that as silly as that sounds. Hopefully this will be a short trip. Doctor thinks its an infection, she is on heavy antibiotics and some good sleepy juice.

At 5:32 AM, Blogger Sonya said...

Clay - Here's to hoping that the hospital stay is a short one. I was so pleased to hear earlier in the week that Deana went to Brandon's soccer game ... a little something normal :0) As always, I'm praying for you guys. Hugs - Sonya

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Tyna said...

Clay and Deana

One step forward, 3 steps back - I am with you in spirit, and I'd come in a heartbeat if I can do anything at all. I'll keep hoping this a minor step back and that the stay is short...

All my love



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