Wednesday, September 06, 2006



I just talked to Carol. The MRI came back negative, no sign of anything unusual! She had spoken to both D and Pete. Quite a relief for them both I am sure.

Pete, give my best to D, tell her to get tough.




At 4:49 PM, Blogger Tyna said...

Thanks for all the updates guys - I wish I was there to offer more - giving you my heart and prayers is the best I can do right now. I can't imagine anything more frustrating then allowing all that 'medicine' into your body, hoping it will heal you and only feeling worse and worse. I truly hope this is rock bottom and that it will go up from here. Take tons of pictures for Deana so she might feel a bit more relieved about missing first days, but dad is right, rather get better for the next years of firsts, and sniffle a few times over pictures of the babes and not the babes themselves...


At 6:04 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

Clay -

Boy, it sounds as if you have been on one hell of a rollercoaster ride over the last few days! What a relief to hear that the MRI can back "normal" ... some very good news ... sounds as if it were needed.

Give Deana a big hug for me. From one Mom to another, I know that there isn't anything more difficult than feeling that you can't be there for your children. There has to be so many emotions rolling around inside of her, truly no one can understand how she must be feeling right now. Continue being strong for her Clay. You know her better than anyone else ... let her mourn these losses. I think that she needs to know that you sympathize with her, that you know what a great Mom that she, and how this must hurt her on so many levels. Just don't let her drown in it. You'll know where the line is; you'll feel it in your heart. Then kick her in the ass, so she remembers what the hell that she is fighting for!!

I know that being D's lifesaver must be the most agonizing and grueling thing that you've ever had to do in your life. Remember that we are only a phone call away. Be strong ... I pray for your family constantly these days. You are rarely far from my thoughts. Keep fighting - it's what you do best.

I love you little bro -

Hugs (lots of them ... and one big long one to last awhile)



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