Friday, November 03, 2006

Methadone CAN be used for pain


hey bro. Not to disaggree with you - but I do agree with the doctor on all those points you said he made. You can build up a tolerance to pain medications - that is true, and to avoid having to use astonomical doses of one to have relief, it is not unorthadox for them to try to switch to another. Methadone is for addicts - HOWEVER it is often used for pain too. In NY state it is actually the only reason I can dispense it (addicts have to get it from a clinic).

i know your going through a roll coaster of shit right now hon - but sometimes you do have to trust the doctors are doing the best they can and are trying to do right by deanna. And if you ever have questions CALL ME. I do not mind.

Dad - if you talk to clay before he reads this maybe you can help rest his worries.

I tried to call you, clay, but you must have a new cell phone. I have not updated my cell phone with mom and dad's new freakin cell phone numbers either (which i should have done months ago I know). And your home# in my cell phone is your old number. Anyhow, I am at work all day today until 830 tonight - and feel free to call at home any time you need - I don't care if you wake me up. I'll call it practice for when babino coleman number two arrives.

love to all



At 4:17 PM, Blogger The Coleman's said...

Thanks daddy-o. I actually only needed clays new cell - however now I do not have an excuse to not change them in my cell phone right now. :)


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