Wednesday, September 20, 2006

In or Out?

To all: Deana will be done today with her third session of chemotherapy. Today she has a lumbar puncture/chemotherapy treatment scheduled. If all goes well Deana will be allowed to go home tonight. I am weary about this because both of my kids have back to school colds. I am taking today off in order to take her home and maybe the rest of the week off to facilitate the kids staying away from Deana as much as possible. The doctor asked me if the kids could go somewhere else for a few days. I laughed at him. Anyway this week will be the worst of the third cycle because her counts should start dropping soon. The doctors are actually a little concerned because her counts have not started to drop like they are suppose too. Hopefully Deana is not building up an immunity to the chemotherapy. Anyway that is what is going on here. I do have a question for all to ponder and help me. I need help in thinking of creative ways to make sure my bills get paid. Sonya your ideas of asking for a defferment for the car and house payment were grand ideas. I am trying to make that happen and if it does I will be okay. But I need other options in case that doesn't go through because I have been making all my bills but living off of my credit cards. My credit cards were high before this so........ I have already taked a home equity line of credit on my house for $25,000 to pay off bills prior to this occurrence so that is not a viable option. I have a little more equity in my house but not enough to do anything with. Any suggestions or ideas would be much appreciated!


At 5:04 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

Hi Clay -

I can only imagine that the bills are starting to rack up. There is no doubt that Deana's illness has caused far more than emotional pain - it's gotta be hitting you in the pocketbook.

First and foremost, remember that they can't get blood from a stone! Although, it is incredibly difficult to be in-debt and have people calling you for money ... try your damnedest (how does one spell that?) to remember - your wife is what is important right now and the hell with the rest of them. Yeah, I'm a Meeks too, so here's a little advice!

1) Call your credit cards - are you getting the best possible interest rate. Are any of your cards offering a special promotional rate that can decrease your rate? Do they have any programs that can help?

2) There are many credit counseling services out there to help people who are trouble. (Make sure that you are dealing with a reputable one) One thing that they can do is combine credit card payments into one payment. The company speaks with your cards or TELLS them that they need to lower it. This does go on your credit report, but it beats lateness and bankruptcy. I'd call my cards first.

3) Find out what happens if you don't pay the lease on Deana's car. Is it like being repoed? Does it go on your credit report? Don't speak to just one person at the leasing company ... speak with their mananger and their manager and their manager until someone tells you what you want. Most of the time that first person that you talk to doesn't have the power to do a damn thing for you. This goes for everyone (card, banks, etc.)

4) Most banks can allow you AT LEAST one month of making just the interest payment on a loan w/out it affecting your credit card.

5) I found this on-line ... don't know if it can be of any help at all - They seem to give some financial aid.

6)Look for groups that can support you. It isn't charity dude ... you're wife has cancer! People want to help, and dammit, let them! That includes me, and I am sure my other two sisters as well. If I can help in a finacial way, I want to. I do! I do! I do!

7) By the way .. DO NOT put any hospital bills on a credit card. Credit card companies will eat ya up - the hospital can't legally do that.

8) Maybe, when you get done with this mess, your credit report will be less than perfect. So what??? You are fighting thru something much bigger than that! Don't let it eat ya up. Look at your wife, breathe her in, and remember what's important. And it's not your credit score. You can fight back financially ... later, when she is well! It's only a numbers game.

Lotsa advice - I am always full of it. Hugs too, Love - Sonya

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Tyna said...

Hey -

What Sonya said, and here's a bit more...

I consolidated with MBNA, and they did a nice job handling everything into one lump payment and helped reduce what I was sending out every month. I now pay one bill, and I know I'll be debt free in so many months. It helped keep me from feeling overwhelmed.

Apply for wic - and no you can't groan at that, it's a federal program that feeds those who need it, it may hurt to swallow your pride and admit you need help, but if the govt pays for your food for a while, you're not, and that helps pay off other areas.

Contact a rep about using some of Deana's diasabilty from social security benefits, if she'd paid in enough to the system it may pay her back now...

Here's another website for you...

Love you all



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