Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Good news!

To all: Deana was experiencing alot of new symptoms over the last few days. Dizziness, light headed, depth perception issues, and haziness. The doctors were concerned that the cancer spread to her brain. Deana had to have another MRI of the brain. After a very stressful day and night the results finally came back negative. The MRI showed no signs of cancer. So now in the next few days we will meet with the physical therapist, nueroligist, and the nutritionist. We actually consulted with the physical therapist today. Everything Deana has can be explained by her lack of movement. The therapist did not say that her lack of movement was the cause of all her problems but stated that it was a possibility. Deana was put on a group of exercises that she could do while sitting in bed, and a tight schedule of walking. She looks like an old woman walking in the hallway. Atrophy has hit her pretty hard. Amazingly enough a lot of what the therapist told her today I have been telling her for many weeks. Oh well such is life. I apologize for not writing as ofter as I should. I will let you know what happens with the neurologist.


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

Good grief Clay - I can't imagine the day that the two of you must have had. My heart is in my throat just from reading your posting. Thank God that everything is negative. Thanks for keeping us in "the know" Love ya, Sonya

At 3:37 AM, Blogger Tyna said...

Listen butthead - no apologies are every necessary with this group (sorry everyone, I'm speaking for ya) your first priority is Deana and those babes, as they should be. I regret I can't be there waiting in the hospital room to stand directly by your sides, but I am grateful you're including us to be with you from 3000 miles away.

All my love goes out...



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