Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Addicted or Overuse

To all: Just an update. Yesterday was a newsworthy day. The doctor took away Deana's pain medication and prescribed her with methadone. Now I am not a pharmacist but I know what Methadone is used for. Methadone is used for Heroin Addicts to try and get them unhooked. After voicing my concern with the doctor they stated they were concerned Deana was using the pain medication when it wasn't necessary. Apparently if Deana has to have a bone marrow transplant the pain medication she was getting needs to be available to her then. Deana had built up such a tolerance that she was starting to become disqualified for a candidate for Bone Marrow transplant. Deana is having classic withdrawal sypmtoms with out the pain medicaion. The second news worthy event was they think Deana should go on anti-depression medication. I will leave that one alone for now. That is it for the moment. Talk to you all again soon.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

Clay - Thanks for the update. I am always thinking about you guys. When I see no postings on the blog, I kinda figure that everything is going as well as can be expected. Sorry to hear that D is having problems coming off of the pain medications. That can be a tough one. As far as needing an anti-depressant, well what can we all expect. She's going through hell - any Mom's living nightmare. Maybe the medicine will help her; sometimes, people need it to begin to feel more like themselves. Hang in there ... day by day! Love - Sonya


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