Sunday, October 15, 2006

Email on the way

To all: I just sent an email out asking for any all to donate to my team in training fundraising. 75% of all funds go directly to research aimed at obviously finding a cure. The other 25% goes to patient services. One of their programs is called First Connection. It puts current cancer patients in touch with successfull cancer patients who are currently in their 5 year or more reemmision mark. Deana will benefit alot from that program. I sent the email to all of the addresses I had: dad, sonya, and chad. Tyna I may have sent it to you but I dont if I have the correct email address. I dont know if the email addresses are correct or not but if one of you does recieve it can you pass it around to the rest and then send me current emails for you all. Any dontation you guys give would be greatly appreciated but more imporantly if you could forward the email to everyone you know. More than the donation anyone who reads what I wrote will be aware of the seriousness of Leukemia and even if they don't donate that would be enough. I want to help find a cure and raise awareness. Plus anyone who donates more than $60 gets their name on my t-shirt that I run in. Who wouldn't want that! :) Anyway Deana is doing okay, not great not horrible. We are hoping to be out of the hospital before her birthday. Keep your fingers crossed for her. Thanks again.

Dad: (Or anyone who know's companies that might be a good idea to approach) How do you think would be the way best way to approach your company. Do you want to just take the email to a higher up or should I send a personalized letter or .....? What do you think?


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