Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hi Speed Internet

Deana is back in the hospital and I am back hooked up to high speed internet. I apologize for not posting when I am at home. I have dial up at home. That by itself would not be so bad but I have one computer that has given up the ghost completely and another laptop that refuses to stay signed on for more than two seconds before it disconnects and then does not allow you to sign on again. Out of all the children I have the most issues with electronics. I am a walking virus for computers. Deana had a great couple of days off. She spent a lot of time with the kids. She even pulled Brandon out of school and took the kids to Chuck E Cheese. I am back to work. I have only worked one day but I can tell that it is good for me. My last comment and most important is THANK YOU!!!!!! Deana recieved the package from the girls an hour before she went to the hospital. She loves everything she got. Bailey stole the pedicure kit and I had to sneak it out of her hands while she was sleeping. Apparently Deana had to fight for the gameboy from Bailey too because it was pink. Thank you for everything. Ask Alley how she knew my favorite game was Sudoku. I will be using that a lot, thankyou Alley. Thank you everyone for all the help and support. I love you all!


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

Hey ... good to hear from you again!! I am actually kinda glad when you aren't blogging - that means that you and Deana are at home. Here's to praying that Deana's newest round of chemo doesn't give her as much trouble. Your wife needs a well-deserved break! I am so pleased that Deana liked everything ... it's the very least that we can do. We all wanted her to know how much we love and support her!! We kind of figured that you'd be using some of the stuff too. The hospital can get pretty boring. Allie says that you have to teach Deana how to use the little puzzle machine too - don't be a Sudoku hog! Lots of hugs, thinking of you always - Luv, Sono


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