Monday, September 18, 2006

Random ramblings


what is it about going back to work after a few days off (in this case it is monday but for me it is not always monday) that makes us cranky. I love my job, but also enjoy my time off. But some mornings when I know I have to work a few days in a row - I am downright crabby. Not to the cutomers of course, just overall. It dissapates by the end of the day and the following work days to come but....

Anywho - that is me today. A little annoyed - for no good reason. If you've noticed I keep changed the adjective its because none of them are entirely true - and yet they all fit :)

Well - i figured since your all family you should have to share in my pain - at least in terms of suffering through the time its taking you to read this.

No news from Cornell yet -- arggggg. I've pretty much said to H about the whole thing, but maybe they will still call and surprise me - but its been 6 weeks for pete's sake.

Hope everyone has a great week!!!


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Meeks said...

What are you doing with Cornell? I am not on the east coast and therefore not in the loop. Monday's are tough but let me make a little suggestion. Whenever you have to go to work and don't feel like it imagine that you couldn't work. My outlook on life has changed considerably since Deana was diagnosed with Lukemia. Life seems a lot less stressfull, and I take the time to enjoy the things that I used to take for granted. Those things include family, work, Monday's, and even in laws. I know that was probably more advice than you had in mind when you wrote random ramblings sorry.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger The Coleman's said...

Dont apologize - you make a very good point!!!. I will try to keep that in mind. I was just rambling, but advice is always welcome. I am certain your ramblings must get way more advice then you actually want sometimes :)

As for Cornell University. They have a position available - which apparently their are not in a hurry to fill. 9-5, every 3rd saturday, no sundays or holidays. Sweetness for the working mom. (and someone who enjoys her sundays & holidays). It would be an hour drive which is the only downfall I can see. (Plus maybe a paycut). So I have been weighing those against the plus's - and Cornell was still winning - but the longer I don't hear the more I 2nd guess it. Hopefully I'll hear soon, because as every one knows I like to plan and patience is not a virtue I possess if I cannot plan around it !!! Although I think you advice might come into play here to Clay. Wow 2 for 1 with the same piece of advice - not to shabby.

Love you little bro.


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