Monday, December 31, 2007

Toast to all and the new year to come!!

Happy New Year!!!!

Hope every one has a safe new year. Dont drink and drive :)

mom and dad - did you like you christmas gifts??

love to all.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all.



Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to All..

Merry Christmas everyone, may love, and family surround your hearts tonight, tomorrow and the days that follow!

Mom and Dad - thank you so very much for the beautiful christmas arrangement, the boys and I got quite a kick out of the delivery! I'll call you soon, to chat!

To all, Ken and I are happy and healthy, as are the boys, and we are working on our communications to keep our relationship where it should be - heading down the 'alter' on July 12th. I'll call The Edge to ask about group rates - if you have another idea, let me know!

Love to you all...

Tyn a

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I am alive!

To All,

Okay I know most of you had your doubts but I am alive. Unlike many of the others belonging to the Meeks family tree I am not computer friendly. (It took me 15 minutes to find this website again). According to the computer lady at work I have broken the computer in more ways then she has ever seen. That actually has more to do with my driving than my computer skills. :) Dad, no comment. Plus I have talked to my brother and he is always reading and laughing. Chad has mad computer skills but I think he forgot how to type. Either that or he is the only smart one. Tyna I am sorry to hear that your relationship is not going as planned. I feel your pain and I am always here to listen if you need me. Plus sis you can't talk smack unless I am listening, it doesn't work if I'm not paying attention. This is for everyone, I have a phone. That phone has a number, 253-841-1408, and you all are always welcome to call it anytime you would like. The only people who I seem to talk too are the male members in my family. This surprises me because don't most woman like talking on the phone more than men! :) Sonya I love you and I am sorry I missed your birthday. Don't forget to call mom tomorrow. One last thing just in case I don't blog again before Christmas. If you all don't know I am financially poor. Christmas this year will be very small. But this Christmas will be the best I have ever had. Christmas is about family and the last two years have taught me how precious family is. No one can predict the future, no one knows how long one will be on this earth. Treasure the ones you love, because you can't control tomorrow you can only control today. If you live today with everything you have you will have a past to remember.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

gone away for the weekend



Your mother and I are running away for the weekend. Going to LA for the Company Holiday party. If you need us call the cell phones

