Saturday, March 31, 2007

Is there a doctor in the house?

well, not yet, but it's official - SU has given me a graduate assistant position. I have some training in August, then start fall semester. I'm hoping to find a research position this summer with one of the lab groups, but nothing official on that front yet!

The boys are doing great, Ken and I are looking forward to the changes that are upcoming...

I love you all, just wanted you to know!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Grandma is back in L-ville


I spoke to Grandma this afternoon, she is in the nursing home in Lowville. She sounded in really good spirits. Charlene gave her a cell to use, 315-771-1876. If you call, check and see if it is a prepaid with limited minutes, don't want to burn up all of her minutes.



Saturday, March 10, 2007

The saga continues

Grandma's discharge date has been moved to Tuesday. No harmful reason why - I believe they are actually still awaiting confirmation that a bed is available at the nursing home. Meanwhile she is back on solid foods and seems to be doing very well. Still confused sometimes (doesn't always remember who's visited and for how long......) The catheter in her back has been removed - which I think is a grand thing - now she can be monitored for a few days to see if any fluid accumulates or not.

I guess that is all for now. Just keeping everyone updated.

More soon I am sure :)


Just checking in

Hey all,

Sorry Tonya - you've been carrying the blog for a bit now - I keep intending to update but I'm at school and yada yada yada...

So, anyway, I haven't heard anything from SU yet about acceptance to Grad school, as soon as I do I'll let everyone know. The application process is still open through the 15th, so I assume they wait to review all applications before submitting invites. The summer gig I have with SU fell through slightly this summer, the chancellor canceled the program for a year to revamp it, he assures everyone it will be up and running next summer. So, Jim Spencer, the professor I work with, is trying to see if he can find a place for me in a research group this summer instead. That may actually be a blessing in disguise because I could stumble onto something for PhD a year early... we'll see.

Ken and I are looking for houses in Camden. Found one we like, but needs a ton of work so we haven't moved on it yet. The boys are doing well, they are busy as ever!

Sonya - I should know this already, but we never even call, so... how is your last semester going?? Is the end really in sight or does it keep weaving in and out of focus for you?

Clay - I hope no news means very good news and that your family is settling back into a routine. I hope your anniversary and birthday were fun and filled with familial laughter!

Mom and Dad - you are hopefully falling back into a routine of your own again. Any plans for visits I haven't heard about yet??

Love to all of you!!


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Lastest word on the street!!

To all :

Grandma Ruby is being discharged to the nursing home in lowville on Saturday - according to Aunt Janice and Sonya :)

The second cathetar seemed to be successfull (as the 1st was not). She will most likely be at the nursing home for a few weeks for rehabilitation before she may be allowed back to her apartment. From what I understand about diverticulitis - IF her body seals off the hole in her intestines we will not have a repeat of the last two weeks. It is also my understanding that the abscess are not filling back up - ie they are healing - BUT she is also still currently on the catheter which is still draining (not a lot but a little - I was there and saw for myself on wednesday). So hopefuly with continued antibiotics her hole will seal itself off.

All in all I guess we are out of the woods for now - but only time will tell with her diverticulites. Hell she's 80!!! What a life she has lead. Only time will tell with all of us truth be told.

I will post more if more info is presented. Hope all is well with everyone!!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Ruby update

hello all.

The latest news I have heard about grandma is that she is still pretty much the same. Not good - but ...
Unfortuanetly the procedure was not as successfull as they hoped. Her 10cm absess was drained and they were hoping upon catscanning it it would only be 1cm or so (meaning that it had partially sealed itself and in 6 weeks they could do a surgery to remove it, seal it up and she wouldn't have to have a colostomy bag).

Well the catscan showed that it was already 7cm again, and Charlene was told that they also think there is a second pocket now. So - the word on the street is that if her white blood count stay's down where it needs to be, they are going to ride it out and see where she goes. If it creaps back up where they do not want it (code - her body is not fighting off infections adequetly even with antibotics) they will do surgery to remove them, and she will be on a colostomy bag.

Charlene also said grandma's is exhausted and slightly delerious .. ie doesn't seem to know what day or time it is or whom has recently visited.

I told charlene I would call her tomorow or saturday to see if there is anything new, she in turn said she would call me if surgery gets scheduled.

This is sucky info to blog - but being at work for the next two days I figured it was an effiecient way to keep everyone updated. Lets just keep her in our prayers. She is not excited about a colostomy but the alternative wont be pretty either.

Hope all is well. Will be back with more info as it arrives.


Ps : Clay - how is the marathon training coming. Good I hope. You and I will have to plan one out for next spring. I am already thinking about getting rid of this baby weight. !!!