Okay, okay - one gorgeous redhead signing in... the hair is very red, not so long anymore though - tell D I donated a 9 1/2 inch ponytail to a cancer society that specializes in wigs for women fighting through cancer in Vancouver. It's not much, but I'll do more, just ask - I'd get tested for bone marrow if they'd let me, but I can't with this freaking blood disorder...
Dad - he's all yours, yep, takes after you completely...
Sonya - love ya girl, you're the only one who didn't trash me... (hee hee)
Tonya - oooohh, you very funny woman...
and Clay - listen you little shit - oh my, did I say little, oh that's right, I'm taller than you - so you still have to look
up to me don't you, hmmm
Okay, so I'm a tad busy being head over heels, and all that jazz, well, a bit more than that. Let's see, Washington was amazing, I learned so much about the educational system, and it's failings, and came back ready to go! Football cheer just ended, season lasted way longer than I expected. Thanksgiving at the Gaylord's was a hoot, met Ken's brother Steve and his wife Marla and their family. Christmas tree and presents, a biopsy or two...
Yeah, Sonya and Tonya knew, but I was hiding out a bit as not to burden anyone with more scares that weren't necessary. My blood pressure rising was enough! I've had a few irregular paps and the doctor was concerned it was cervical cancer, well, precancer, but I had the biopsies done and everything came back negative so there's nothing to worry about. Ken was right by my side physically, and I knew all of you had my back emotionally. And that is nothing, absolutely nothing compared to what D is working her way through. I love you all, little brother, and if you need me on the next plane, baby, I'm there no questions asked...
Okay, so this fundraising thing, hmmm, what about seeing if your community could sponser a 5K run to help earn some money. Maybe get the police department to require participation as part of physical training or something. Or, maybe the navy can help since you're a retiree? reservist? umm I don't know. Is there an apartment that someone would consider allowing you to 'sublet' - and by that I mean live in for free - and they can write off the rent as tax deductible charity donations... I'm just brainstorming here...
I should go before my boppets kill each other, I'll write again very soon - I promise, head in the clouds or not!