Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ohh Mom!

Hey, has anyone cornered our mother and forced her to read the tidbits of wisdom we are leaving on here - she just might be interested in knowing that the attitude that crops up every now and again is being blamed on her dominant DNA (hee hee) It seems our father perceives the sarcasm he exhibits occured at the time of the exchange of marriage vows...

Speaking of marriage vows - hey Dad, who was your best man at your wedding - there is an interesting rumor floating around that it was a Tom Gillette (not sure if that's spelled right) who happens to be the father of Brian Gillette, who happens to be Ken's best friend - an odd little circle to say the least that has quite a stir amongst my small circle - is this true???

All my love to you

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Merry Christmas to all!!!

Just wanted to post a quick blog to say that I hope everyone enjoys there holiday. Santa has plans to stop at my house, apparently I have been very good this year :). Hopefully he shall stop at all of your houses too.

Love to all.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Oh, to be so missed... (sigh)

Okay, okay - one gorgeous redhead signing in... the hair is very red, not so long anymore though - tell D I donated a 9 1/2 inch ponytail to a cancer society that specializes in wigs for women fighting through cancer in Vancouver. It's not much, but I'll do more, just ask - I'd get tested for bone marrow if they'd let me, but I can't with this freaking blood disorder...

Dad - he's all yours, yep, takes after you completely...

Sonya - love ya girl, you're the only one who didn't trash me... (hee hee)

Tonya - oooohh, you very funny woman...

and Clay - listen you little shit - oh my, did I say little, oh that's right, I'm taller than you - so you still have to look up to me don't you, hmmm

Okay, so I'm a tad busy being head over heels, and all that jazz, well, a bit more than that. Let's see, Washington was amazing, I learned so much about the educational system, and it's failings, and came back ready to go! Football cheer just ended, season lasted way longer than I expected. Thanksgiving at the Gaylord's was a hoot, met Ken's brother Steve and his wife Marla and their family. Christmas tree and presents, a biopsy or two...

Yeah, Sonya and Tonya knew, but I was hiding out a bit as not to burden anyone with more scares that weren't necessary. My blood pressure rising was enough! I've had a few irregular paps and the doctor was concerned it was cervical cancer, well, precancer, but I had the biopsies done and everything came back negative so there's nothing to worry about. Ken was right by my side physically, and I knew all of you had my back emotionally. And that is nothing, absolutely nothing compared to what D is working her way through. I love you all, little brother, and if you need me on the next plane, baby, I'm there no questions asked...

Okay, so this fundraising thing, hmmm, what about seeing if your community could sponser a 5K run to help earn some money. Maybe get the police department to require participation as part of physical training or something. Or, maybe the navy can help since you're a retiree? reservist? umm I don't know. Is there an apartment that someone would consider allowing you to 'sublet' - and by that I mean live in for free - and they can write off the rent as tax deductible charity donations... I'm just brainstorming here...

I should go before my boppets kill each other, I'll write again very soon - I promise, head in the clouds or not!

The light at the end of the tunnel.....

Oh sh*t a! Just joking. Deana is starting to slowly improve. She hasn't needed blood in over 24 hours, and her fever has stayed under a 101 for the same 24 hours. These are all good signs. Plus no more oxygen necessary. The down side is she is talking again, and she is grumpy! :) She was so much easier to deal with when she slept most of the day. Anyway Deana had another chest xray this morning so we will soon find out if the pneumonia has gotten worse or better. One would assume better being she is feeling better but I am not a doctor. I will write again when I know something more.

Where is Tyna....Where is Tyna......Here I am not.......Here I am not............ How are you today mam........No one knows thankyou........

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Okay dad I didn't forget about you. Did they let you out of jail tonight? :) I will call you in the morning.


Okay I heard from Sonya and Tonya. Where is my long lost middle sister? You didn't inadvertantly remove all of your fingers with a chemistry experiment gone arry and now you can no longer type with your hands. But in an attempt to persevere you are using a pencil and your mouth and the response is just taking forever. :) And where oh where is my brother. I know you are reading and keeping up to date. How about a little love from big brother. Hope all is well with both of you. love ya

Part III

To all: Deana is sleeping. I have yet to talk to her and I couldn't find her nurse to find out how last night went. The nurse is in shift turnover at the moment. I will know soon how last night went. I failed to tell all that Deana has been on Oxygen for the last few days. I mentioned that to Mom in passing and she was slightly peeved that I hadn't mentioned it earlier. Other than that you all know everything that I know. I will try and work today unless something major happens. I will write again soon. I guess I should change that a little, I will work unless something else major happens. Normal is forever changing! (Someone told me that once)

P.S. Is anyone out there besides Dad and Sonya? Dad: I talk to you everyday on the phone so you know all. Sonya: I miss ya. To everyone else: Where are you?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Still Sick Part II

To all: As you can guess by the title Deana is still sick. Pneumonia is the new consensus. I don't know how last night went, I actually went home and tried to get some sleep. That was rather unsuccessful but at least I was home for a while. Hopefully today will show some signs of Deana getting better. Time will tell and when it does I will. Until next time.
Dad: I dont know if work is on the horizon for me or not, Deana is still sleeping. When she wakes up I will make my decision but dont worry I never forget our conversation!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Still Sick

This is probably the sickest Deana has been to date. Her fever is still a constant 103 despite a steady diet of antibiotics and fever reducer. Deana is in low spirits but that is to be expected. The doctors and nurses believe she has a small case pneumonia. Unfortunately that small case can turn into a big case if they cant get things under control. That is all I have for today, maybe more later.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Deana is hot! No really she has a temperature of 103 Degrees. For the last three days her temperature has not sunk below three digits. Deana caught a bug from somewhere and it is kicking her but. Besides the fever she has a nasty cough, vomitting, headache, chills, and body ache. Combine that with the fact that she is at her lowest point count wise and I have a miserable wife. She has to get four units of blood. That is two more units then she has ever had. Plus she needs six units of platelets, four more than she has ever needed. Deana's white blood cell count is at .06. In a less descriptive words she is sick! In a good news/bad news update Deana has her bone marrow transplant consultation on December 11. I have found some basic information about the transplant. The cost without complication for a bone marrow transplant is $250,000! Fred Hutchinson also states that a minimum amount of $3000 a month is necessary outside of medical expenses. Plus we will have to live with in 20 minutes of the Hutch. (I think a part of that $3000 a month is the need to rent a place!) So if everyone could start thinking about how I could start fundraising for the transplant I could use all the ideas I can get. I have no idea how much my insurance covers, and I know they wont pony up the $9000 of other cost of living expenses. (That number is only accurate if Deana doesn't have any complication and the process is only three months. And we all know we are talking about Deana! :) ) Obviously I will know more on the 11th but I have a feeling that the transplant is going to be a go. So that is it for now. My apologies to Dad I told him I would post last night and did not! Hope all is well with everyone and everyone is getting ready for Christmas. Deana and I had to get a fake tree! :(